
3 December 2019

Innovation Wildcard Night & End of Year Social | 09 December | 5:30PM

Do you have a new idea to try out with a receptive audience?
Do you have a short process that you want to practice before you do it live with a client?
Have you been considering taking a guest facilitator spot but want to get some experience with the group first?
Do you have a short process that is energizing and fun?

All these and more are what wildcard is for. You can be guest facilitator on the night for between 5 and 20 minutes.
Typically there is time for around 6 short sessions.
Wildcards are for everyone no matter what the experience level. They are unpredictable, engaging and always fun.
Wildcards are a great way to experience a range of ideas and tools from a variety of different experiences.

Wildcard sessions are organized dynamically on the night. Just turn up with your idea.

Everyone else just turn up to learn from the experience and have fun.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
Watch this space for our exciting 2020 program...

5 November 2019

How Collaboration will Save the World - Masterclass with Greg Jenkins | 5:30PM | 11 November

In an era where a pint sized 16 year old schoolgirl from Sweden can lead the debate on climate change, anything is possible. Change and action are no longer being driven by our political leaders – it is being driven from our place of work, in communities and from classrooms.

How do we make change happen? It starts with ‘shared understanding’. What would it take to achieve shared understanding and what difference would it make to the world? Shared understanding requires a dynamic collaboration process. If every group achieved a shared understanding at a point in time the possibilities for multi-level change are endless.

In this session we will explore the art, practice and outcomes of dynamic collaboration. This is set to be the final session in The Collaboration Project series that started about seven years ago. Those who have participated and put the practices into action with some great results. This is set to be the last installment in the series and not to be missed.
About Greg Jenkins
Heaadshot of Sarah Cornally
Greg is an independent change agent, facilitator and coach. He has been actively involved with SFN for at least 20 years including 12 as coordinator. Greg works in complex collaboration-based situations across Defence, Government, Business, Education and Community. Greg believes that the way to save the world is through dynamic systemic collaboration – one conversation at a time.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
Monday December 09th
Wildcard Night!

8 October 2019

Liberating Flow in Organisations; Seeing beyond the visible, Discovering Unseen Possibilities with Sarah Cornally | Mon 14th Oct | 5:30PM

Flow is a natural state of sustainable movement. For things to work well we need to find this natural flow.

What if a problem was simply the consequence of something that if it was seen and acknowledged the problem would no longer be needed.

Problems are symptoms.  Systems communicate via symptoms. They are visible and measurable. They reveal the state of health of the system.

Too much effort is a symptom. Confusion is a symptom. Overwhelm is a symptom. Conflict is a symptom. Churn is a symptom. Overdrive is a symptom. Stuckness is a symptom.

Seeing beyond the visible, making a connection with what is hidden brings into view that which needs to be seen and acknowledged. It enables the system to return to flow.
Photograph of a river in a bushland area
This evening we will play with systemic principles through questions that create the possibility of discovering what is hidden and bringing it into view. Questions that are designed to expand the client’s awareness and evocatively discover new possibilities.

Join us for an expansive evening.
About Sarah Cornally
Heaadshot of Sarah Cornally
Sarah Cornally has been studying system dynamics and organisational constellation work in Europe for the past ten years and has found this a particularly powerful way to access new insights and innovative solutions in the face of complex, resistant and challenging dilemmas.
Sarah’s work focuses on enabling leaders to collectively create successful businesses and organisations where people thrive whilst achieving the organisation’s purpose. She has a special interest in developing greater capacity to respond insightfully and effectively to uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity by exploring adaptive responses.
Sarah’s work focuses on evolving leaders and whole system transformation to create adaptive and responsive people within organisations that can work co-creatively in a dynamic and rapidly evolving world. She has invested over 10 years in studying and exploring the application of systemic intelligence to business and organisations. Sarah trains executives and consultant in systemic intelligence and its application in organisations.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
Monday November 11th
Collaboration Masterclass: how collaboration will save the world with Greg Jenkins
Monday December 09th
Wildcard Night!

20 September 2019

Cooking With Stories with Andrew Rixon & Cathryn Lloyd | 5:30PM | FRIDAY 27th

Story and narratives provide facilitators rich opportunities to enable groups, teams, organisations and communities to work together and productively navigate complexity. Drawing on their recently published book "The Story Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Change", Andrew Rixon and Cathryn Lloyd will explore a number of story-based activities for facilitators to reflect on what opportunities working with story and narrative approaches can provide within their own practice.
Book cover image for The Story Cookbook
About Andrew & Cathryn
Andrew Rixon is the founder of Babel Fish Group and with one of the first PhD’s in complexity science has gained global experience in working with organisations, within Australia and internationally in the UK, USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Andrew also holds an appointment with Swinburne Business School in the area of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Andrew is the founder of The Story Conference and co-editor of the recently published book “The Story Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Change”
Cathryn Lloyd is a facilitator, creativity coach, educator and holds a doctoral degree in Creative Industries (DCI). She is the Founder and Director of Maverick Minds, a creative professional development consultancy that designs powerful and flexible learning experiences to shift thinking, gain new perspectives and create positive change. She has extensive experience across the creative industries, arts, business, management, and education. With an arts and design background, she brings a multi-disciplinary learning approach to her work, drawing on experiential, arts-based and action learning methodologies and processes to create purposeful learning environments.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
In our August SFN we had a rare treat. Four UTS Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation students shared a facilitation model of their own creation which was a workshop game designed for facilitators to ‘help prime your participants for genuine deliberation and consensus-building’. It was inspiring to witness the creativity and courage of these yourng facilitators. They recenty sent the SFN a followup message:

“We’d like to thank you again for allowing us to come last month to test Plott and all your great feedback. We’re happy to say we’ve taken that feedback onboard and updated the facilitators note and the experience where necessary. Those who are interested in using the tool in their workshops can request a deck online at Plott.Cards
Monday October 14th
System Dynamics with Sarah Cornally
Monday November 11th
Collaboration Masterclass: how collaboration will save the world with Greg Jenkins

4 September 2019

Can feminine leadership transform society? with Robyn Katz | 5:30PM | Monday 09 September

Robyn Katz is inviting us to join her in a facilitated inquiry into the question ‘can feminine leadership transform society?’
Relaxing our political correctness and assuming all individuals have access to both masculine and feminine traits we will explore stories of times when we’ve drawn on diverse leadership styles.
To generate fresh thinking about how we can contribute to more balanced and sustainable systems, together and through this ‘gendered’ lens, we will muse on where leadership is globally and what the world needs now.
This session includes opportunities to participate in storytelling triads, circle practice and insight seeking plenary.

About Robyn Katz
Robyn is an experienced businesswoman, facilitator, coach, community builder and founder and director of Talkpoint. Pioneering ways of working since 2000, she’s trained globally as a Warrior for the Human Spirit and leads #humanisework in Australia. Robyn has faith in the power of the collective and finds meaning doing women’s business.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
FRIDAY September 27th

Cooking with Stories with Andrew Rixon & Cathryn Lloyd
FRIDAY October 14th
System Dynamics with Sarah Cornally

5 August 2019

Building Trust by Opening Minst with Scott Newton | Monday 12th August | 5:30PM

We are living through a challenging time - where the very principles of democracy are being challenged by a lack of trust between politicians and the people. How can trust be built and what role can we, as facilitators, play?

Sydney facilitator, Scott Newton, has been working with four UTS Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation students to explore these trust issues – Marissa Motsos, Sharon Gao, Nusardol Oshana, and Nic Hurrell. The students have met with NSW Parliament Speaker Jonathon O’Dea , Executive Director NewDemocracy Iain Walker, Advisor to the Premier Marc Snape and many more.

From these interviews, research and experiments, the students deduced that the more open people are to new ideas and perspectives, the more weight their recommendations and decisions carry. And so they’ve developed a workshop activity to do just that - open minds.

Come along to our next session to help test this new approach and to discuss, more broadly, explore how we can help open up a participant’s mind, heart and will - to encourage deliberation and produce deeper workshop insights and nuanced decisions.
About Scott Newton
Scott is Senior Project Manager with KJA and also lectures in the UTS Creative Intelligence course. He is a communications professional with five years’ marketing, public relations and specialist experience in the technology, education and consultancy sectors. He is also a game developer and now coordinates Sydney’s first specialist working space for other developers. Scott’s passion is for deliberative decision-making processes and he has worked with New Democracy and other Citizen panel processes.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
September 09th
The Keys to Feminine Power with Carli Leimbach
FRIDAY September 27th

Cooking with Stories with Andrew Rixon & Cathryn Lloyd

1 July 2019

Spiritual Intelligence with Martin Samson | 5:30pm | 08 July

Using the Theory U process of a deep dive into generative listening – beyond bias, facts and empathy – Martin will take you on a journey to meet your own blind spots to being a listener who can lead facilitate a group into leading out of the future rather than the aged solutions of our past. The theme of spiritual intelligence will provide the grist for us to confront our closed minds, feelings and blocks to action. This will be a space where the content and observation of each others declaration of inner position on the subject can give us a nudge to finding what we need to do to open the mind, heart and will to generate new prototype solutions in community. Spiritual intelligence, along with intellectual and emotional intelligence (to name but a few other layers of our mind body complex) is fast becoming an essential skill set in scientific discovery and social renewal – but, what is it?
This evening will take you on a journey to listen to your own meta-paradigms and hopefully open a few new possibilities about the nature of the world we live and work in.
About Martin Samson
Martin has facilitated groups in creating community, resolving difficulties and building consensus for projects for nearly 30 years. He has taken Open Space Technologies, World Cafe, Courage to Lead, Community Leadership as Martial Art and woven them together with Theory U into an adaptable creative process. At present he is working on his PhD while working at a bookshop. He has recently returned to Sydney and is interested in learning about how we can meet the twenty first century with all of its challenges and changes. Hi work with spirituality is currently focused on ancient and new traditions that give us skills to develop organs of perception for realities beyond three dimensions, or the spiritual senses as they are known.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
August 12th
Non-violent communication with Kate Raffin
September 09th
The Keys to Feminine Power with Carli Leimbach

11 June 2019

Courage & Renewal with Kirsty McGeoch | 5:30PM | Monday 17 June

What would you do with more courage? What might it take to cultivate it?
This experiential workshop is a taster of the Circle of Trust ® approach
developed by writer, educator and activist, Parker J. Palmer and the Center for
Courage &Renewal
. Together we will co-create a space for honest dialogue
and non-judgmental listening, practicing particular ways of relating that will
help us be more present with ourselves and others. Prompted by evocative
texts, there will be time for individual reflection and journaling as well as large
and small-group dialogues in which our own stories can be shared. These
processes offer the opportunity to gain clarity around the questions we are
holding in relation to our lives and leadership. They also deepen the self-
knowledge that begets trust (in ourselves and others), which in turn begets the
courage to act on what matters most.
About Kirsty McGeoch
Kirsty has been an educator for over 20 years and currently wears a few hats.
When not teaching at the University of Sydney, she facilitates digital
storytelling projects in the education, community, social entrepreneurship and
disability sectors. Recently, she also joined the team at 4C Transformative
, working with schools and organisations to embed creativity,
collaboration, communication and critical reflection in their practices and
processes. She also has a deep interest in reflective practice, which led her to
the Circle of Trust ® approach. Now as an accredited Courage & Renewal
facilitator, she offers weekend and day retreats open to people of all
professional backgrounds, as well as programs for school leadership teams and
organisations more broadly. What enlivens her about this work is offering
people the safe and welcoming space to tune into their own wisdom for living
and leading well.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
July 08th
Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) with Martin Samson
August 12th
Non-violent communication with Kate Raffin