
8 October 2019

Liberating Flow in Organisations; Seeing beyond the visible, Discovering Unseen Possibilities with Sarah Cornally | Mon 14th Oct | 5:30PM

Flow is a natural state of sustainable movement. For things to work well we need to find this natural flow.

What if a problem was simply the consequence of something that if it was seen and acknowledged the problem would no longer be needed.

Problems are symptoms.  Systems communicate via symptoms. They are visible and measurable. They reveal the state of health of the system.

Too much effort is a symptom. Confusion is a symptom. Overwhelm is a symptom. Conflict is a symptom. Churn is a symptom. Overdrive is a symptom. Stuckness is a symptom.

Seeing beyond the visible, making a connection with what is hidden brings into view that which needs to be seen and acknowledged. It enables the system to return to flow.
Photograph of a river in a bushland area
This evening we will play with systemic principles through questions that create the possibility of discovering what is hidden and bringing it into view. Questions that are designed to expand the client’s awareness and evocatively discover new possibilities.

Join us for an expansive evening.
About Sarah Cornally
Heaadshot of Sarah Cornally
Sarah Cornally has been studying system dynamics and organisational constellation work in Europe for the past ten years and has found this a particularly powerful way to access new insights and innovative solutions in the face of complex, resistant and challenging dilemmas.
Sarah’s work focuses on enabling leaders to collectively create successful businesses and organisations where people thrive whilst achieving the organisation’s purpose. She has a special interest in developing greater capacity to respond insightfully and effectively to uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity by exploring adaptive responses.
Sarah’s work focuses on evolving leaders and whole system transformation to create adaptive and responsive people within organisations that can work co-creatively in a dynamic and rapidly evolving world. She has invested over 10 years in studying and exploring the application of systemic intelligence to business and organisations. Sarah trains executives and consultant in systemic intelligence and its application in organisations.

Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
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