
2 May 2008

May 08 - Facilitating Values

Monday 12th May 2008 “Facilitating Values”

You are warmly invited to attend our next regular meeting on Monday 12th May
Monday 12th May 2008 “Facilitating Values” with Edward Saulig
Values act as guides to action. Studies show that what people value at work includes the following:
• freedom to participate in decisions directly affecting work activity
• a chance to learn on the job and to go on learning
• optimal variety
• mutual support and respect of work colleagues
• a socially meaningful task
• a sense of moving towards some desirable future
Edward Saulig facilitated an all day workshop to develop a set of values for his organization, Fairfield City Council. What emerged was “UMGAWI”.
Can we, as a facilitator’s community of practice, develop our own set of values in 60-90 minutes? Edward will apply his recent hands-on experience at this facilitation meeting.
An inclusive outcome is a definite possibility along with all the learning and sharing that it will entail. Let’s see what emerges. Let’s also find out the answer to the important question - what’s UMGAWI?

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