
8 May 2008

20/20 Summit workshop Submission

Facilitators Network 20/20 Summit workshop Submission

Submission to the 20/20 summit by Sydney Facilitators Network
On April 7 we held an extraordinary meeting to devise a submission for the 20/20 summit. 12-15 of us met. We decided that we could do 3 of the 10 topics in a 2 hr session. The World Café format was used around 3 tables. After copious notes and deep discussions individual tables came up with the 300 words below which was submitted as one of 3500 submissions received in Canberra.
(We were listened to – see Notes on the Bennelong Mini Summit below)
TOPIC 1: The future of the Australian economy
• Passion encourages sharing rather than protecting
• Passion and power are opposites (ie power encourages protecting rather than sharing)
• As a country we need to value passion more than power including individual passion and collective passion
• Organisations and individuals should focus on
o What they are good at
o What they are passionate about
• Sharing of ideas will result in innovation
• Innovation works bottom up in small units
• Focus on connecting small units rather than creating large aggregated units

TOPIC 6: Strengthening communities and supporting working families
• Undertake urban planning to encourage accidental connection.
• Social capital grows out of community.
• Therefore fund social capital facilitators to engage the community.
• Encourage good things that are already happening in communities eg micro-loan models.
• Corporations CSR in local community - staff and funds.
• Have a Community Facilitator in the Piazza.

TOPIC 9: The future of Australian governance
• What would governance process look like in Australia if they were actively creating a viable and sustainable society?
• Focus on social measure as well as economics
• Regular reporting across a variety of measures
o Health
o Violence
o # of people that know neighbour's names
• Training every one in Australia in natural step (TNS)/big picture so they have a context to access political policy. (TNS: the natural step is an education program that enables people to work out if a business or country is sustainable or not)
• Create interactive web site that collates people's inputs re "what would make this community/the country better?
• Create an interactive program that enables community to collate things that make community better or worse - so we can tease out cause and effect.

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