26 September 2024

Vitalise your Ecosystems with Stories October 14


Vitalise your Ecosystems with Stories  
SFN Zoom session |  Monday 14 October at 5.30pm (Sydney time)
with the joyful Johanna de Ruyter
14 October at 5:30pm Sydney time (join earlier to test your AV equipment and chat with colleagues)
Zoom Session
Click above or go to:

You are invited to come together as part of the SFN network and metaphorically gather around a fireplace of stories. Using the power of storytelling and story listening, the intention of this session is to both strengthen our relationships and offer insight.

It is through stories that we can speak in the languages of complexity and connection. These languages are the principal threads we often follow as facilitators. Come to learn more about each other and our work as facilitators and to lean into the richness of storytelling and story listening as a method for inquiry.

About Johanna De Ruyter

Johanna worked as an improviser, facilitator and trainer at Playback Theatre Sydney for over 30 years. Playback Theatre is a dynamic communication forum that uses improvisation and personal storytelling to generate large group dialogue and connection.

In addition, she facilitates Leadership Presence training programs including Storytelling for Business Communication throughout the Asia Pacific region. More recently she has focused on systems change and completed training with The Bateson Institute as a Warm Data lab host.

Applying systems approach to change she and a group of facilitators have initiated a cooperative called Wicked Elephants, exploring how we connect, communicate and collaborate more effectively within the dynamics of wicked problems.

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