
24 April 2024

The Facilitator client tango: an experiment. With Jacinta Cubis May 13

 Facilitator Client Tango |  SFN Zoom session |  Monday May 13 at 5.30pm (Sydney time)

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Have you ever:

🙄 Felt frustrated after a conversation with a client?

🤔 Sensed you’re ‘at odds’ with a client or a colleague or manager about a workshop’s purpose or plan?

😏 Had a difference of opinion during a workshop?

You’re not alone. A facilitator’s relationship with their clients (or colleagues, managers and sponsors) can be like dancing tango. Reading or misreading each other, the shifts between leading and following, connection and disconnection, and yes, even stepping on toes.

What you need

Relax – you don’t need any tango shoes or moves. You do need to bring a ‘not-so-great’ story to share - like the ones above - and the curiosity to see how your peers might replay and rework them. Your story can be from the past, one you’re living through or one that you might see coming.

What you’ll leave with

You will get to watch your stories unfold as your peers play ‘you’ and your ‘client’. Your fellow facilitators bring their own experience and fresh perspective to your story. You’ll get insights that may help you:

✨ Shift and progress the conversation you’re having with your client, right now

✨ Learn from how you might have done it differently in the past

✨ Imagine how you could do it differently in the future

Don’t forget to bring a ‘not-so-great’ story from working with your clients when designing, delivering and debriefing workshops.

The experiment bit

Jacinta avoids role plays at any cost, so it takes a bit of courage to lean into this one, but she figures that SFN is a compassionate space that welcomes trying new things.

Jacinta has co-facilitated this session twice with Ewen Le Bourge and is doing it solo, with his blessing. Each time, people have left wanting more so she knows it works and thinks it could be done even better. She’s playing with the activity to see how it works with a larger group, in less time. Come and join the experiment.


About Jacinta

Jacinta photoJacinta is a creative master facilitator who loves guiding groups to connect, make decisions, generate ideas and solve problems.

Specialising in visual thinking, Jacinta creates captivating cartoons that simplify complex issues. With 28 years of experience, Jacinta is the go-to facilitator, trainer and mentor for clients in government, universities and community organisations, as well as consultants and facilitators.

Jacinta believes that facilitation is an essential skill for life and work and loves building facilitation capability. She shares compelling content that shows the impact of facilitation and tips to help you be a (fl)awesome facilitator. Because if you’re (fl)awesome, you create real engagement.

When Jacinta is not facilitating, or helping you learn how, you can find her on her yoga mat, in her art studio, on the tennis court or the tango dance floor.


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