
22 February 2023

(FInd out) Why Money is more Important than Sex


"Why money is more important than sex"
Face to face session with Jürgen Schmechel

Listen and learn from relationship mentor Jürgen Schmechel who brings his wisdom and experience of nearly 30 years of marriage (to the same woman) to the stage. Jürgen has a unique ability to break down complex matters into easy to understand models. And what can be more complex than love and relationships. A session not to be missed.

Monday 13 March 2023 l 5:30PM.   
Face to Face: UTS Building 10, Lvl 5, CB10.05.580

Questions we might pursue together: 
1.            What Questions should you not ask in a relationship
2.            When does commitment start?
3.            What are the biggest turning points in a relationship?
4.            What is Love/ Work/ Money for you? 
5.            Is it OK to have Secrets ?

Jürgen Schmechel, was born 1960 in Hamburg, Germany as the second son to his parents. He lived, studied, worked and married in Hamburg – to then be raising two sons himself. In 2004 his family moved to Australia to learn and live in a different culture. Jürgen is a keen observer of human psychology, he is a master in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Ericksonian Hypnosis and a certified Results Coach.

Over the past 30 years Jürgen realised that he and his wife are doing things differently in their marriage from others. Some of their behaviour was conscious, some more on the unconscious level. And with more and more relationships all around the world deteriorating, Jürgen decided to bring his wisdom and mentoring to the people. He started his Inspiring Relationships in 2017 and published a controversial book in 2019: “Why Money Is More Important Than Sex”. His mission is to inspire thousands of men and women to stay in loving, respectful relationships. Which has a ripple on effect to their Children and the World.

More information here