
8 March 2022

Explore a new Team Tool with Allan Ryan - Hargraves Institute

Explore and experience a new product and business model to add to your facilitator toolkit  |   SFN Zoom session |  Monday March 14th  at  5.30pm

Zoom session:   


This session covers how Collaborizza delivers value for your clients, your business and the explore the product in detail.

  1. Learn how your clients will benefit from a Collaborizza, a team-building workshop that builds team cohesion and collaboration for improved everyday performance.
  2. Explore the financial and operational benefits for your business, where Collaborizza provides a time saving, flexible and unique approach that requires little preparation no technology support and becomes a valuable addition to your client offering.
  3. Get hands-on and participate using Hargraves Collaboration Canvas with visual metaphor cards to experience a taste of Collaborizza activities.

More details ...
