
20 August 2021

The Power of Play - with Dimitrios Papalexis September 13 5.30pm on zoom


This session will cover the value of introducing more play and spontaneity when it comes to facilitating and hosting. How can we can get business done while also focusing on building relationships, being creative, having fun and sharing our gifts especially during times of lockdown and isolation.

Monday 13 September at 5:30pm on Zoom (but come along at 5.15 if you want to test your connection)

The session will provide a safe and playful space for participants to embark on an exploration of storytelling, relationship building and creative activities that will hopefully inspire them to introduce more play and blend different creative tools and approaches in their facilitation, fostering spaces of deep connection, co-learning and transformation.

Dimitrios Papalexis is a consultant, creative facilitator, space holder and storyteller. He is the founder of Soulgen, a social enterprise that collaborates with young people, diverse communities, organisations and councils for bottom up social change and impact. Dimitrios is also a published author and he hosts his own podcast show: The PoWEr of CommUNITY. Having lived in 3 different countries and speaking 4 languages, he is part of many diverse communities and ecosystems; an avid learner with a passion to create safe and energizing spaces of deep sharing, co-learning and transformation. 

To learn more about his work visit:    http://www.soul-gen.com.au/

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