
9 June 2020

Opportunities Created by Coronavirus with Victoria Ke and Eliot Redelman | 15th Jun | 5:30PM

Our present crisis is both a global strain and a potential opportunity for facilitating the bringing about of a new world. Join us in conversation about where we are, how the world is changing and how we might facilitate and co-create a new and better world order.

an urban landscape in the shape fo a globe
About Eliot and Victoria

Headshot of Eliot RedelmanEliot is a meditator and a deep thinker, he's interested in the relationships between the parts of the system and our own minds. He's interested in how we design the incentives of the structure of society to bring about a better world. 

Headshot of Victoria KeVictoria holds the vision of a world that is united. She is a developing entrepreneur, facilitator, community builder and event organiser who is committed to spreading the message of love, unity and truth through her work. She is passionate about innovation in well-being and co-creating a healthcare system that treats humans like humans: complex, social and multi-faceted human beings.

Header: getting there (directions)
Venue: Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83065962750

Time: Zoom room opens at 5:00pm. Session begins at 5:30pm SHARP

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684

Header: coming soon
Monday Jul 13th
Monday Aug 10th