
1 April 2019

"Hope in a Time of Global Despair" with Eoin Higgins | 5:30PM | 08 Apr 2019

"Hope in a Time of Global Despair" 
- Kaethe Weingarten
What is hope? Where does it come from? Is hope something we have or something we do? 
In a world beset by wicked problems in our cultural, political and environmental spheres, hope will be needed to be drawn from deeper and deeper wells in order to to summon the collective will to carry on. This VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous) world, where change comes at an ever-faster rate and pace, demands the capacity to remain hopeful if we are to thrive.

The Reasonable Hope framework, developed by Kaethe Weingarten, is a relational practice-based approach to facilitate engagement with hope in groups. Originating in the field of family therapy, the model has broader applications in a range of organisational settings.
In this session participants will unpack and discuss common notions of hope leading to a shared understanding of the phenomenon. This will provide a foundation for exploring the Reasonable Hope framework before considering ideas for practical applications.  
This highly interactive and experiential workshop will be helpful for anyone working with groups who experience turbulence and uncertainty.

Weingarten, K., (2007), Hope in a Time of Global Despair, In C. Flaskas, I. McCarthy J. Sheehan (Eds). Hope and Despair in Narrative and Family Therapy, pp 13 - 23, Routledge, NY.
About Eoin Higgins
Eoin is an organisational development consultant with
Veldhoen+Company, helping organisations transform the way they work through activity-based working. Previously he has succeeded in a diverse range of leadership roles across pharmaceutical manufacturing and commercial operations, leveraging his abilities as a top-class facilitator, trainer & project manager. Eoin has delivered lasting positive change across such area as cultural engagement and plant closure.
Venue: University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Building 10 (cnr Jones & Thomas St), Level 5, Room 5.580
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium footbridge, walk straight ahead to room 580 on your right.

Time: From 5:30pm to 7:30pm | No RSVP - Just turn up | Donation $5

Contact: www.facilitatorsnetwork.blogspot.com
Eoin Higgins  eoin.p.higgins@gmail.com : 0407 411 684
May 13th
The Authentic Facilitator with Michelle Howard
June 17th
Courage and Renewal with Kirsty McGeogh