
3 February 2015

‘Conversation as Core Business Process’ | Monday February 9, 2015 | 5.30pm

In 1996, the creators of ‘The World Café’ Juanita Brown and David Isaacs wrote a paper for The Systems Thinker titled ‘Conversations as a Core Business Process’. Read the paper here.
In a world where social media rules and complex ideas are reduced to short grabs, how can we facilitate purposeful deep and compelling conversations?
·       What conversation tools do we use and how well do they work?
·       What are the opportunities if we ‘really listen’?
·       What difference would it make if we asked the right questions?
·       What has ‘Systems Thinking’ got to do with conversations?
This session will be in a conversation format. Bring your ideas and experiences to share and join in the conversation.
Call for Guest Facilitators:

If you have an idea or know someone who has an idea for a session at a Facilitators Network meeting in 2015 please contact Greg Jenkins 0418 486 501 gregjenkins@yahoo.com

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