
5 February 2013

‘Planning for a Facilitation’ with Paul Worth | Monday February 11, 2013 | 5.30pm |

Next Meeting | Monday February 11, 2013 | 5.30pm
[Change of Room this meeting only to Building 10 [our usual building], Level 3, Room 330]
 ‘Planning for a Facilitation’ with Paul Worth

We don’t often discuss or share the nuts and bolts of how we plan and get organised for a facilitation, so for our kick off session for the year, Paul Worth our guest facilitator will draw out from us the essential items of planning a session, but more importantly, encourage us to share our own planning processes and templates.  Please bring along anything you are prepared to share and allow others to use. 
We don’t often offer outputs at the end of the Facilitators sessions (you’ve got to show up to get the value), but we may be tempted to publish the “mother of all checklists”. View 
Paul Worth is a multi talented facilitator, e-Organising trainer and coach working with a variety of clients and RTOs for over 15 years. During this time he has delivered a variety of training and development programs to a broad selection of clients, working with groups from 6 – 300 people. With over 30 years business experience at senior management levels in industries including training & development, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, automotive and financial services, Paul is an expert in people development and is highly skilled in the design, delivery and customisation of effective learning programs.  His outstanding communication skills allow him to work effectively across all organisational levels.
Venue:  University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Jones Street, Ultimo corner Thomas Street.
Change of Room February 2013 only –
Building 10 [our usual building], Level 3, Room 330 (CB10.03.330)
From 5:30pm to 7:30pm sharp | No RSVP - Just turn up
Enquiries | Greg Jenkins greg@tincanlearning.com | 0418 486 501 or Sharon McGann  0414 537 305 sharon@apassion.com.au

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