
6 August 2012

SOARING – A strengths based approach to strategic thinking and planning with John Loty | Monday August 13, 2012

SOAR is a positive strengths-based approach to strategic thinking and planning.  It is a development of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) philosophy and methodology.
Instead of the traditional SWOT analysis, the SOAR model encourages us to identify our Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results.
The goals for the 'quick' SOAR session:
1. To provide an experience of the SOAR process so that you can evaluate if SOAR would work for you or could be used by you in your particular contexts
2. To apply the SOAR model to explore the forces and factors that give life to facilitators in our work
3. To appreciatively inquire into (and perhaps be inspired by) the "root causes of success" experienced by other facilitators
John Loty has worked with Appreciative Inquiry and SOAR thought leaders around the world and uses these strengths based approaches in all his work. 
So come along and enjoy the experience of ‘soaring’. 
For more information about AI visit:  www.appreciativeinquiry.net.au
Venue: [Same Venue UTS Bldng. 10- Different Room for Aug, Sep, Oct 2012)]
University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Jones Street, Ultimo corner Thomas Street.
Room  CB10.02.470 Translated as Building 10, Level 2 (Jones St level) Room 470.

Social: For those willing to continue the networking and conversation afterwards we recommend the nearby, very economical Pho Mumum Vietnamese Restaurant, No 16 Broadway, Chippendale (Opposite UTS Big Ugly Tower)

From 5:30pm to 7:30pm sharp | No RSVP - Just turn up

Enquiries | Greg Jenkins greg@tincanlearning.com | 0418 486 501

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