
10 December 2010

“Reflection Wildcard" | Monday Dec 13, 2010

Reflection is rare in real life and almost unheard of in an organizational context. “Let’s move on”, “what’s done is done”, “no point in looking back”…you know the drill. You’ve probably heard or even used grabs such as these.

As facilitators, reflection is a key part of our toolkit. Not only is it important for us to reflect on our own practice, it’s critical that we have a repertoire of reflection tools to use in our own practice.

In a wildcard there is no official guest facilitator. The space will be open offering an opportunity for anyone who wishes to offer a reflection process to step up. Maybe you have one to share. In which case you would be the guest facilitator. We will have time for between 3 and 5 reflection processes.

Social Dinner

Our practice of many years has been to walk down to Haymarket to the Vietnamese restaurant. Economical Vegetarians catered for. Pay your own. BYO.

SAIGON METRO, 760 GEORGE STREET , HAYMARKET – directly opposite Ultimo Road in George St Haymarket.