
29 July 2010

"The Creative Brain and How It Works – Applied Neuroscience" With Silvia Damiano and Ralph Kerle | Monday August 9, 2010

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There is a body of theories and papers starting to emerge in neuroscience around how our brain works creatively. This body of work suggests if you can be more aware of how your brain works in a context that calls upon creative endeavour, you will be able to alter your thinking or adjust your actions, in the process becoming more aware of your own creative praxis and how you can comfortably and confidently contribute your best to creative collaboration – an awareness that can be knowledgably sustained and improved over time.

In this highly experiential session, participants will undertake a creative team challenge using a theoretical framework and an arts based process to test this hypothesis in practice. Through this process, you will be observe and discern your own creative preferences and biases!!

About the Facilitators

Silvia Damiano, Principal of About My Brain

Silvia has degrees in Science and Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires and is currently undertaking a program on the Neuroscience of Leaderhsip with Middlesex University in the UK. She is an Associate Programme Director at Mt Eliza Executive Education part of Melbourne Business School. Her most recent role was Senior Manager, OD Westpac and she has worked in different countries, across many industries, helping teams and organisations to improve business performance, concentrating on key areas around leadership development and cultural change. In 2006, she received the L&D Excellence Award for the best learning tool by AITD (Australian Institute of Training and Development).

Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum, Founder Creative Skills Training Council

Ralph is a globally respected consultant, presenter, educator, programme designer and writer on creative leadership, creativity and innovation.

His academic appointments include faculty adjunct at the Banff Centre, Banff, Canada as an Innovation Coach in their Leadership Development Programme and an International Thought Leader in their Leadership Learning Lab, faculty adjunct and Programme Director at the AGSM Executive Education Programme, University of NSW, Sydney Australia,and a member of the Advisory Board of Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management and Technology, Utter Pradesh, India

He is a former Associate Director of the Sydney Theatre Company, a drama graduate of the Victorian College of the Arts and holds a Masters Degree in Creative Industries. He is currently trying to find a university in which to continue his Doctorial studies.

Flow with Everyday Conflicts - Using the Skills from NVC Mediation | 1 or 2 Days with Ike Lasater 10 & 11 Sept 2010 Adelaide

A unique experiential learning opportunity with Ike Lasater (USA, Poland) supported by three experienced local coaches.
We all have conflicts within ourselves and with others, little and not so little. NVC Mediation provides step-by-step approaches to taking care of yourself before, during and after a conflict. Learn how to use the skills developed in the formal mediation context to transform everyday conflict into opportunities for deeper understanding and connection. NVC Mediation is based on Nonviolent Communication, a communication model developed by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Day 1: Understanding and experiencing the contribution of NVC Mediation skills when applied to our everyday conflicts.
Day 2: Extending our understanding and application of NVC Mediation skills.
This workshop is relevant for anyone who works as a mediator, manager, trainer, educator, facilitator, business coach or counsellor. Also relevant for anyone who wants to find new and effective ways to peacefully resolve conflicts between others; between you and another; and to transform warring voices in your own head.
No prior experience of NVC or mediation required.
For more information or to register contact Kate Raffin Mob: 0488 550 979 kate@kateraffin.com

1 July 2010

"Change Agents at the Gates of Transformation" with Gisela Wendling, Ph.D. | Monday July 12, 2010

Using an Ancient Approach to Harness the Vital Forces in Contemporary Experiences of Change

At these thresholds of transformative change, the old gives way to the new. These gates are marked by mounting tensions that are part of letting go, entering uncertainty, and envisioning what is possible. These challenging and generative tensions bring about the necessary momentum and energy to give birth to the new. In a world that is changing at an unfathomable pace and seemingly unpredictable ways, patterns of change have become less recognizable and change processes are often left incomplete. For many, living in the ‘betwixt and between’ has become a permanent way to be.

In this session, we will apply an adapted rites of passage framework to explore how the continuous presence of perplexing change impacts our lives and especially our practice as facilitators of change. We will identify approaches to assist the full engagement of these complex tensions and explore the criticality of supporting one another as change agents. In our work, we stand at the threshold of change not only with our clients, but also in our own lives and alongside members of our local and global communities.

About Gisela Wendeling PhD.

Gisela brings together contemporary and indigenous knowledge and practices to offer more complete, systemic, and contextually sensitive approaches to transformation. Gisela guides individuals and groups to courageously meet the challenges inherent in transformational change and to trust their innate capacity for renewal. In the process, they experience the healing that often precede the ability to access previously unrecognized resources. Gisela encourages sensitivity and compassion toward oneself and others, and I evoke the abilities for deep insight and focused action.

The conceptual and practical underpinnings for Gisela's work have grown out of doctoral research in human development and organization systems, 15 years of guiding organization change and employee development projects, and her position as an assistant professor directing a MA program in Organization Development. In the latter role she supported graduate students to gain the conceptual knowledge, practical experience and personal development to become successful change agents.