
22 April 2009

Monday May 11, 2009 “An introduction to mediating our inner dialogues when facilitating” with Ike Lasater

When we facilitate groups we often experience our own reactions to what is said or happening. How do we as facilitators work productively with the critical voice in our head that judges us against an impossible standard of perfection? Learning to work with our inner dialogues can help us to become better facilitators. In this session Ike will give us a taste of the self-empathy practice he has developed for using in a mediation and facilitation context based on the principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC). NVC is a simple and powerful communication model developed by Marshall B Rosenberg comprising four basic components: observation, feeling, needs and request. (For more information see: www.CNVC.org) The skill of self-empathy can be applied to care for ourselves before, during and after facilitating sessions so that we are able to be more present to what is happening in the room, and able to learn from our experiences.

About Ike Lasater

Based in San Fransisco, Ike Lasater facilitates the resolution of conflicts, coaches people in conflict, and teaches these skills to others.

Ike has facilitated NVC and NVC mediation workshops across the US and in Australia, Hungry, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland and Sri Lanka. He has served as a board member of a number of organisations including: the Center for Nonviolent Communication, the Association for Dispute Resolution of Northern California, the Lawyers' Club of San Francisco, and the California Yoga Teachers Association (founding owner of The Yoga Journal magazine).

Ike engaged in civil trial practice in San Francisco for 20 years and co-founded Banchero & Lasater, a 20-person law firm specialising in complex, multiparty commercial and environmental cases.

Ike is in Australia to conduct a five day mediation intensive in Sydney on 14-19 May (see http://nvcaustralia.com/ ) and will also be conducting a 1 day training through LEADR: ‘Mediator Self Care: Mediating your inner dialogue’ on Wed 13 May 2009: www.leadr.com.au/events/Mediator-self-care-ike-lasater-may09.doc

To learn more about Ike's work go to www.WordsThatWork.us

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