
2 October 2008

October 08 - Wildcard

Monday 13th OCTOBER, 2008 “Wildcard”

You are warmly invited to our next meeting on Monday 13th OCTOBER, 2008
At a wildcard meeting, volunteer facilitators run a short session for between 5 and 20 minutes. No sessions are scheduled in advance. All entries are taken on the night.
Types of processes suitable for the wildcard include ice breakers, opening and closing rituals, energisers, thought provokers, experiential activities - anything at all that can be done in 20 minutes or less.
Wildcard is for everyone including beginners, the highly experienced and those in between.
Wildcard is fun – anything can happen when you are the guest facilitator.
The aim is to run and debrief as many short sessions as possible in the time available. Please be on time.
For further info call Greg Jenkins M: 0418 486 501, greg@tincanlearning.com .