
2 June 2008

June 08 - Discrimination Game

Monday 16th JUNE 2008 “Discrimination Game”

You are warmly invited to attend to a joint meeting with the Games and Simulations Network meeting on Monday 16th June.
Monday 16th June 2008 “Discrimination Game” with Susan Hayes
June’s Games and Simulations Network session will be presented by
Susan Hayes. Susan is an Induction Trainer at CityRail’s Petersham Training College
Susan’s role includes addressing a number of legislative compliance issues including anti-discrimination legislation. How does she do this successfully with such a diverse group of participants?
Experience a game that raises awareness of all types of discrimination!
There is also a discussion session to discuss the success of games in breaking down barriers!
Venue: Room 5.580 Level 5, Building 10, UTS, Jones Street, Ultimo corner Thomas Street.
Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium bridge and look for room 580
Time: from 5:30pm to 7:30pm sharp
About Sydney Facilitators Network:
The Sydney Facilitators Network (Est. 1992) is a self-organising Community of Practice requiring no formal membership apart from a closed email list. Meetings attract between 25 and 40 participants including independent facilitators, trainers and consultants, volunteers and those employed in business, public sector, not for profits and the community sector. A donation of $5 per participant covers outgoings.
Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month from February to December (*unless a public holiday falls on the date in which case the meeting slips back 1 week). Dates for 2008 are Feb 11, Mar 10, April 14, May 12, June 16*, July 14, Aug 11, Sep 8, Oct 13, Nov 10, Dec 8. (* Third Monday due to public holiday)