
2 March 2008

march 08 - Unlocking Human Potential to Create a New World Together

Monday 10th March, 2008 “Unlocking Human Potential to Create a New World Together”

You are warmly invited to attend our next meeting on Monday 10th March.
The meeting starts at 5:30pm and concludes at 7:30pm sharp
Monday 10th March 2008 “Unlocking Human Potential to Create a New World Together” with Richard and Maria Maguire
Join Richard and Maria Maguire in a group exploration on some of the big issues facing our world today. These include the persistence of poverty, environmental degradation, spread of violence and armed conflict, limited and unequal access to education or health-care, ineffective governance and human rights, empty consumerism and lack of engagement.
Our awareness and concern for this “bigger picture” will have an impact on how we understand and perform our work as facilitators. We can make a difference to the big questions by noticing what is going on, finding solutions and supporting or inventing new directions.
The processes used in table groups will be useful for other situations you might encounter as facilitators. Also, some of the conversations might generate potential input into Federal Government's Australia 2020 Summit.
We intend for the results of the process and discussions at the meeting to be input into the 7th Global Conference on Human Development in Japan November 2008. The conference will bring together people of all ages and backgrounds, from many countries and all sectors of society, in an attempt to make a dent in “Unlocking Human Potential to Create a New World together” (for more info see www.ica-international.org)
Richard and Maria Maguire (Unfolding Futures Pty Ltd) started and guided the Facilitators Network from 1992 for 12 years before passing the baton to the current team. They have been passionate facilitation practitioners for a very long time, yet still consider themselves as learners.

Outputs: www.unfoldingfutures.net/pdf/FacNetSydneyInputMarch08-5p.pdf

Session Guidelines: www.unfoldingfutures.net/pdf/InputSessionFacGuidelines-7p.pdf

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