15 June 2023

Invitation to present at SFN and Coming Events

Special Invitation - present an SFN monthly session

We have session times open in the next few months for anyone interested in sharing their practice, or trying out an approach.   Just contact Ian Colley on ian.colley@makestuffhappen.com.au

Coming Soon ...

1. Special September Session
with Schelling Point on Integrating AI with facilitation.

Tuesday 12 September at 8am (this will be an invitation event with some lead up activities to demonstrate the approach).  More information coming soon. 

2.  Lewis Deep Democracy CoResolve Course in July

Following the highly successful Myrna Lewis session in May, this is an invitation for those who would like to learn more

You are invited to a Lewis Deep Democracy CoResolve Course starting on the 24th of July, 2023.

CoResolve will give you the skills to manage the messy realities of groups. Learn how to recognise when resistance occurs and equip yourself with the tools to effectively resolve the tension and harness the group's potential. Register here:  https://3qiu0pvy5gq.typeform.com/to/DKW7rnuH, or visit our website for more information www.lewisdeepdemocracy.com